1999 - Scabies, The Kangarooster, and You [credit]
2001 - Secret Rhythm of the Universe [credit}
2001 - I Am A Small Wooden Statue On A Patch Of Crabgrass Next To A Dried Up Riverbed(E.P.) [credit]
2002 - Beatiful Songs(E.P.) [credit]
2003 - R.Borlax [credit]
2005 - The Midi Demos(E.P.) [credit]
2005 - The Mechanical Hand [credit]
2006 - Pizza(E.P.) [credit]
2007 - A Natural Death [credit]
Rapidshare: bunalti.com
Mediafire: losrobotsnolloran.blogspot.com
this is incomplete as their first full length secret rhytms of the universe is missing and thier eps i am a small wooden statue on a patch of crabgrassnext to a dried up riverbed ep and the pizza ep are missing
and the more hard to find beautiful songs by men demo and the scabies, the kangarooster, and you demo are also missing
if you could find any of these it would be really helpful
i really love horsedicks
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